We specialize in connecting people with the money that belongs to them!
Have you ever wondered if there’s money or property waiting for you?
You may be entitled to funds from various sources such as the excess funds
from a sheriff or tax sale, an inheritance, a forgotten bank account, and more. These funds often end up in state-held accounts, waiting for their rightful owners to claim them.
Our Process is Straightforward
1. **Investigation:** We conduct thorough research and investigations to identify potential assets that may be rightfully yours.
2. **Verification:** Once we’ve identified potential assets, we verify the legitimacy of the claim and gather the necessary documentation to support your case.
3. **Recovery:** We work tirelessly to recover your assets from state-held accounts, ensuring that you receive what rightfully belongs to you.
4. **Resolution:** Our team provides personalized assistance throughout the entire process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for our clients.
5. **Payment:** This one is easy! There is zero cost to you – EVER – unless and until you have money in your hands. If we cannot get you paid, we don’t get paid. It’s that simple. We cover all costs to cut through the red tape; when you get paid, we receive a small percentage, which is agreed upon in advance.
Whether you’re a rightful heir to an inheritance, a previous property owner affected by a sheriff sale, or someone with a ghosted bank account, the Geldhund Team is here to help you claim what’s rightfully yours.
Don’t let your assets remain unclaimed any longer.
Contact us today to begin the journey toward reclaiming what belongs to you.